
Principal's Message

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Welcome to Panther Lake Elementary!

Christine Szymanski

Dear Panther Lake families,

I hope this message finds you well and that you have enjoyed a wonderful summer break with your children. As we approach the start of the new school year, I wanted to share some tips to help ease the transition for your children and ensure they are ready for the first day of school, August 12th.

1. Re-establish Routines: Begin reintroducing a regular bedtime and morning routine a week or two before school starts. This helps children adjust to the school schedule and ensures they are well-rested and ready to learn.

2. School Supplies and Organization: Check the school supply list and make sure your child has everything they need. Encourage your child to help organize their supplies, label their items, and set up their backpack. This can build excitement and a sense of responsibility.

3. Review Academic Skills: Spend a little time each day reviewing some basic skills, such as reading, writing, and math. This can help refresh their memory and ease the academic transition back into the school environment.

4. Talk About the New School Year:  Discuss any feelings or concerns your child may have about the new school year. Encourage them to share their thoughts and reassure them that it’s normal to feel both excited and a bit nervous.

5. Encourage Independence: Practice skills such as packing their lunch, tying their shoes, and following simple instructions. Building independence can boost your child's confidence and readiness for school.

6. Stay Positive: Your attitude towards the new school year can greatly influence your child's perspective. Express enthusiasm and positivity about the upcoming year and all the fun and learning it will bring.

If you are a new parent, sending a child to school for the first time, we understand this can be a very exciting and emotional time for both you and your child.  Be sure attend our kindergarten orientation on July 30th at 10:00 AM.  We will begin in the cafeteria with a presentation from our leadership team that shares the crucial things you need to know as parent about our daily operations and “how things work” at Panther Lake ES.  We will provide insight into what a day in the life of a kindergartener entails.  Finally, we will provide families with our tour of our building, including a kindergarten classroom. Here are some additional suggestions as you begin this academic journey:

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions: It’s normal to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety as your child starts kindergarten. Allow yourself to feel these emotions and know that you are not alone.

2. Connect with Other Parents: Join parent groups or attend school events to meet other parents. Sharing experiences and advice can provide emotional support and build a sense of community.

3. Prepare Gradually: Spend time with your child at home practicing separation in small steps. This might include playdates or short periods where your child stays with a trusted caregiver.

4. Stay Informed: Familiarize yourself with the school’s policies, routines, and staff. Knowing what to expect can reduce anxiety and help you feel more prepared.

5. Create a Drop-off Ritual: Establish a consistent and loving drop-off routine. This could be a special hug, a phrase, or a goodbye gesture that reassures both you and your child.

6. Take Care of Yourself: Ensure you are also looking after your own well-being. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and time for relaxation can help manage stress.

7. Celebrate Milestones: Recognize and celebrate this important milestone in your child’s life. Take pictures, talk about the exciting new experiences, and cherish the moments.

8. Communicate with the Teacher: Establish a positive line of communication with your child’s teacher. This can provide reassurance and keep you informed about your child’s progress and well-being.

We are looking forward to welcoming your children back to school and to a fantastic year of growth and learning. If you have any questions or need further support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Best regards,

Dr. Christine Szymanski


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